
The Bhagavad Gita

Commentary by Dr. Shanmugam

Hari Om fellow devotees of HSBV!

I think it is essential for every Hindu to know what our Hindu scriptures have to say. Their message is eternal. So, it is called Sanatana (eternal) dharma. Of these scriptures, Shreemad Bhagavad Gita holds a special place. It is in Mahabharata, Sage Vyasa's immortal ithihasa. The Bhagavad Gita is mainly the dialogue between Lord Sri Krishna and Arjuna. Sri Krishna teaches Arjuna the different methods of achieving victory and also what the goal of life should be. It applies to all of us living in Kali Yuga.

I plan to write commentary on Bhagavad Gita probably every 2-3 weeks. They will be posted below.

I would appreciate any questions, feedback to my email address: ashanmugam@yahoo.com


0. Preface

1. Chapter 1: Arjuna Vishadha Yoga

2. Chapter 2: Samkhya Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)

2.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-19 

2.2 Part 2 - Slokas 20-39 

2.2 Part 3 - Slokas 40-55 

2.2 Part 4 - Slokas 55-72 

3. Chapter 3: Karma Yoga

3.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-22 

3.2 Part 2 - Slokas 23-43 

4. Chapter 4: Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga

4.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-23 

4.2 Part 2 - Slokas 24-43 

5. Chapter 5: Sanyasa Yoga

5.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-17 

5.2 Part 2 - Slokas 18-29

6. Chapter 6: Dhyana Yoga

6.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-15 

6.2 Part 2 - Slokas 16-32

6.3 Part 3 - Slokas 33-47

7. Chapter 7: Jnana Vijnana Yoga

7.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-15 

7.2 Part 2 - Slokas 16-30

8. Chapter 8: Akshara Brahma Yoga

8.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-13 

8.2 Part 2 - Slokas 14-47

9. Chapter 9: Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yoga

9.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-15 

9.2 Part 2 - Slokas 16-34

10. Chapter 10: Vibhuti Yoga

10.1 Part 1 - Slokas 1-18 

10.3 Part 2 - Slokas 19-30

10.3 Part 3 - Slokas 31-42