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           Chapter 2.3 Samkhya Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge) - Slokas 40-54

In the next few slokas, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna how to apply in life what he taught so far (the Knowledge of Atman) and its benefits

Slokas 40-46

Sri Krishna tells Arjuna “there is no loss of effort or harm from this (the Knowledge of the Self (Atman)) and  this Self Knowledge protects one from great fear”. The fear of death is the greatest of all fears. When Atman is understood well, this fear disappears by itself without any further effort from the devotee.

Sri Krishna then says “Arjuna, work single pointedly. Those who work with desires and for the sake of result only work to reach heaven, for pleasure and status (Lordship). Raise above the three gunas (the three thought textures – sattva, rajas, tamas) and ever remain in Sattva (goodness)”

                           “The vulture soars high up in the sky. But its eyes are always on the carcass below on the earth. Spiritual enlightenment is not for one with lust and greed.”- Sri Ramakrishna

Sloka 47 is the essence of the next chapter Karma yoga and should be memorized

47. Karman yevaadhi kaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana

       Maa karma-phala-hetur bhuhur maate sangostv akarmani

“Your right is to work only: but never to its fruits: let not the fruit of action be your motive:

nor let your attachment be to inaction.”

Let us analyze. Sri Krishna is incarnation of God in human form and, in my opinion, he is also the best teacher in telling us how to efficiently work in this world. He tells Arjuna to work is his only right. That is to fight the battle that came to him without asking for it.  He has no right over the results (fruits) (karma-phala), neither victory nor loss. And furthermore, the Lord tells Arjuna that he should not be inert, inactive. He cannot decide to lay down his arms as he did in the beginning of this chapter.

                                Let us apply this principle in our daily life. We do not ask for problems. But they have a way of finding us. The caveman and modern man have different challenges. Swami Chinmayaanadaji used to say “Americans will certainly not have problems of those who live in India and Indians will certainly not have problems of people who live in America“. One cannot run away from the problems as Arjuna was trying to do. The challenge is how to deal with them efficiently without getting frustrated. The problem we face may be small or as big as Arjuna’s.  As per Krishna, one should work focused on the work itself and not expecting the results, with evenness of mind. Something beautiful happens when we do that. We are at peace while working to solve any problem. No pressure.

                                 If our boss or coworker or employee or our children are near impossible to deal with, it will not affect us in the least since our work is our only focus (single pointed as Krishna calls it). Whatever issue we are dealing with, either mundane housework or paperwork at the office or raising children, if we can work without expectation of results, our mind is calm and available for focused work. Our mind will not be dissipated by looking back as to what we did wrong in the past (regrets and depression) or what may happen in the future (anxiety). This is the essence of a successful work ethic as per Sri Krishna. By continuing this behavior as best as we can, we don’t acquire newer vasanas (mental impressions) and slowly shed accumulated vasanas . We will then remain in Sattva (goodness) in our thoughts and deeds as Lord Krishna wants Arjuna to be.

How could one get to that level? I will leave you with Swami Chinmayanandaji”s quote:

“We could do most things by easing into them slowly. Don’t be in a hurry.

The best rule is Hasten slowly”- Swami Chinmayananda

Slokas 48-53

Sri Krishna gives further upadesham (advice) to Arjuna as follows:

1)Perform action steadfast without attachment

2) Be Balanced in success and failure.

   This evenness of mind is called yoga, beautifully stated as “samatvam yoga ucyate”

3) Lower than this yoga of wisdom is action (with desire for results)

4) Those who work with motive are wretched

5) Skillful work is yoga – again beautifully stated as “Yogah karmasu kaushalam”

6) With this wisdom, one casts off both the effects of good and bad deeds.

7) The result of this kind of work ethic is you become indifferent (nothing bothers you)

8) Your intellect is not confused as to what you have heard or what you may hear in the future when you are steady in the Self

Sloka 54.

Arjuna asks a question for our sake “What is the description of a person of steady intellect and merged in super conscious state?  How does that person speak, how does he(she) sit and how does he(she) walk?”

                                   Those who have Realized the Self (Atman) while living are called Jivan muktas. Examples are Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and numerous great souls in Bhagavatha Purana.. As a sincere student of Vedanta, one wants to know how these people conducted themselves in this world so that we can learn from them.

To answer this question, from slokas 55 to 72, Lord Krishna starts the discourse on “Sthitha Prajna Svabhaava”(the nature of a person of steady wisdom).

We will discuss it in detail soon.

Hari Om!
